“… ein Meisterwerk höchsten Ranges“ – Einige canonische Veraenderungen über das Weyhnacht-Lied: Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. Part 1: Structure of the Carol and of the Composition

by Albert Clement | Het ORGEL | Year 120 | (2024) | Issue 6

In BWV 769, Bach arranged Luther’s Christmas song ‘Vom Himmel hoch da komm’ ich her’ into a series of variations and canons. This article discusses the background and reasons for this composition: Bach composed these variations in 1747 as part of his membership in the ‘Corresponding Society of Musical Sciences,’ founded by his pupil Mizler.

The author then examines the song text. The structure of the work is compared with that of Luther’s song text, explaining why Bach paid particular attention to his settings of strophes 3 and 4, which are crucial in terms of content; in particular, stanza 4 forms the core of the Christmas message.