Bernard Renooij – an honest composer by Martin Moree
by Martin Moree | Het ORGEL | Year 114 | (2018) | Issue 2
Martin Moree Bernard Renooij – an honest composer
Het ORGEL 114 (2018), nr. 2, 30-37 [summary]
In the colorful palette that Adriaan Kousemaker made of his series ‘Muziek voor de Eredienst’ {Music for church services}, published by Ars Nova, there is a small part reserved for Bernard Renooij, an organist and composer who followed his own path modestly and almost unnoticed in the mid-20th century. This article discusses his organ works, considering – besides an overview of his legacy – primarily the question whether his oeuvre is indeed inconspicuous.
In the course of his career Renooij composed a lot, often in response to requests. It is not always possible to discover where manuscripts are presently located. This article is based predominantly on the published organ works and the manuscripts still in the possession of the family.