The organ in the concert hall (3). Emergence and use of the organ as an orchestral instrument by René Verwer
by René Verwer | Het ORGEL | Year 113 | (2017) | Issue 4
René Verwer The organ in the concert hall (3). Emergence and use of the organ as an orchestral instrument
Het ORGEL 113 (2017), nr. 4, 3-11 [summary]
In part 3 the discussion of compositions for organ and orchestra in Germany is continued. A large part of the article is devoted to compositions commissioned for the organ of John Wanamaker (1838-1922) in his Department Store in Philadelphia (PA): compositions of Alfredo Casella and Joseph Jongen. Part 3 then discusses the contrasting views of Charles-Marie Widor and Richard Strauss on the combination of organ with orchestra.
Wanamaker orgel op de wereldtentoonstelling in St. Louis 1904
Leon Boëlmann
Alfredo Casella (1883-1947)