Fête-Dieu per organo by Hendrik Andriessen by Lourens Stuifbergen

by Lourens Stuifbergen | Het ORGEL | Year 113 | (2017) | Issue 2


Lourens Stuifbergen Fête-Dieu per organo by Hendrik Andriessen
Het ORGEL 113 (2017), nr. 2, 12-19 [summary]

This year is the 125th birthday of Hendrik Andriessen and the 100th of Albert de Klerk. The Andriessen/De Klerk-Stichting (foundation) will present a festival honoring these composers from 15 September to 3 October, of course in Haarlem, where both were born. In ‘Het Orgel’ the two composers are commemorated by a series of articles by Lourens Stuifbergen, who knows their organ works well. In April, 2015, he presented the works lists of Andriessen and De Klerk. He has also republished many compositions of the two composers since 2011.
Stuifbergen will discuss Andriessen’s ‘Fête-Dieu’ and ‘Quatre Chorals’, and ‘Tres Meditationes Sacrae’ by Albert de Klerk. This issue contains the discussion of Fête-Dieu by Andriessen. Its origin and the extant sources (manuscripts) are treated, and an analysis of the work is presented.