The organ makers Van Hagerbeer, part 4 – conclusion by Auke H. Vlagsma
by Auke H. Vlagsma | Het ORGEL | Year 112 | (2016) | Issue 4
Auke H. Vlagsma The organ makers Van Hagerbeer, part 4 – conclusion
Het ORGEL 112 (2016), nr. 4, 23-33 [summary]
There has already been much written about the Van Hagerbeer family, which produced three organ builders and one organist. But a complete overview with the genealogy as background has never been made. In a series of four articles this overview is presented. The first part contained genealogical data about Galtus van Hagerbeer, the organist Hendrik Galtus van Hagerbeer, Germer Galtus van Hagerbeer (ca. 1610-1646) and Jacobus Galtus van Hagerbeer (1622-1760). In the previous article the work of Germer Galtus was treated. This final article treats another of his works in Dordrecht. Then the Works of Jacobus Galtus are discussed. The conclusion treats various characteristics of the instruments of the Van Hagerbeer family.
Amsterdam, Nieuwe kerk Photo: Jan Smelik