News about Schnitger. Evidence, discoveries, hypotheses, and attributions by Ibo Ortgies

by Ibo Ortgies | Het ORGEL | Year 112 | (2016) | Issue 2


Ibo Ortgies News about Schnitger. Evidence, discoveries, hypotheses, and attributions
Het ORGEL 112 (2016), nr. 2, 4-9 [summary]

Part 01

Part 2 begins with a discussion of the statement by Siwert Meijer that Schnitger built an organ in 1693 for “den Vorst van Sünder und Norsburg een klein werk met 6 registers; te Hagelberg;” {“the Prince of Sünder and Norsburg a small instrument with 6 registers; at Hagelberg;”}. Which instrument does this refer to?
Schnitger’s connections with Moscow are given an extensive discussion: it is quite possible that in 1695 Schnitger delivered the organ for the Lutheran New Church, and maybe two other instruments as well.
In conclusion the article investigates which town Meijer meant when referring to an organ that Schnitger improved “te Zelling (Oost-Friesland), groot 2 klavieren en pedaal” {“at Zelling (East Friesia), with 2 manuals and pedal”}.