The organ in the St.-Willibrorduskerk in Esch reborn in glory by Rogér van Dijk and Cees van der Poel
by Rogér van Dijk and Cees van der Poel | Het ORGEL | Year 108 | (2012) | Issue 4
Rogér van Dijk and Cees van der Poel The organ in the St.-Willibrorduskerk in Esch reborn in glory
Het ORGEL 108 (2012), nr. 4, 16-25 [summary]
In 1961 the trustees of the St.-Willibrorduskerk in Esch bought the organ that had been removed from the Hervormde Kerk in Vught. The history of the instrument was long hidden in the shadows. Even when the recently completed restoration was started, there was still great uncertainty about the original maker and the construction of the instrument. A thorough study of the old parts and supplementary research in archives and other organs has provided much hitherto unknown information about the instrument. It has been determined that the original builder was Antonius Friedrich Gottlieb Heyneman. In this article the history and the recent restoration of the instrument are described by Rogér van Dijk, who was the consultant for the restoration. Cees van der Poel played and listened to the organ and put his findings in words.