The next Buxtehude year in 2037 or 2038 (Thoughts concerning a problem in Buxtehude research) by Ibo Ortgies

by Ibo Ortgies | Het ORGEL | Year 104 | (2008) | Issue 1

Ibo Ortgies The next Buxtehude year in 2037 or 2038 (Thoughts concerning a problem in Buxtehude research)
HetORGEL 104 (2008), nr. 1, xx-xx [summary]
The life and work of Dieterich Buxtehude, who died in 1707 inLübeck, were given much attention in 2007. The next Buxtehudeyear would be in 2037, if one accepts the customary opinion that he wasborn in 1637. But the sources are so defective that even the morecorrect indication “circa 1637” is not accurateenough. We can only be certain that Buxtehude must have been bornbefore 1641. It is no more possible to state Buxtehude’sbirthplace, although Helsingborg is the current favorite among thereasonable alternatives. About his education there are simply nosources. All attempts to illuminate these shadows must struggle withthe fact that the sources are completely insufficient. Argumentation onthe basis of probabilities is common.