The organ works of Johann Th. Lemckert by Kees Weggelaar
by Kees Weggelaar | Het ORGEL | Year 102 | (2006) | Issue 3Kees Weggelaar The organ works of Johann Th. Lemckert
Het ORGEL 102 (2006), nr. 3, 24-31 [summary]
From 1968 until December 2005, Johann Th. Lemckert was titular organist of the Grote or St. Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. He was also organ professor at the Royal Conservatoire at The Hague for many years. A great majority of his organ works originated in the liturgical practice of the Laurenskerk. For the most part his organ oeuvre is published in three books: Zes Choralpréludes en een Partita voor de Kerstkring (1984), 12 Choralpreludes for the Easter Season (1996), 24 Choralpreludes voor diverse tijden (2005). The organ works of Lemckert can be characterized as accessible and comprehensible for a general public, without descending into triviality.