Organs in Catholic churches in Groningen and Drenthe (the northern Netherlands) around 1850 (part III) by Victor Timmer

by Victor Timmer | Het ORGEL | Year 98 | (2002) | Issue 6

Victor Timmer Organs in Catholic churches in Groningen and Drenthe (the northern Netherlands) around 1850 (part III)
Het ORGEL 98 (2002), nr. 6, 20-26 [summary]

The Catholic Church manifested itself ever more strongly after the restoration of the episcopal hierarchy in 1853. This article gives a survey of the Catholic organs in the northern provinces of The Netherlands (Groningen and Drenthe) around 1854. Only a few of these organs have survived. Large new churches, changing liturgical demands, and a change of musical taste required different organs.
This is part 3 of the article. The organs studied in this part are the Van Gruisen organ in Kleinemeer (St.-Willibrordus, organ built in 1776), the Leichel organ in Sappemeer (organ built in 1884), the Van Oeckelen organ in Kloosterburen (St.-Willibrordus, organ built in 1848, moved to the new church by Roelf Meijer in 1869, in 1891 moved to the Afgescheiden Gemeente in Stedum, dismantled in 1956), the anonymous organ in Nieuw-Schoonebeek (St.-Bonifatius, organ built in 1757, replaced in 1874), the anonymous organ in Oude Pekela (St.-Willibrordus, organ demolished in 1888), the anonymous organ in Stadskanaal (H. Maria ten Hemelopneming, organ delivered in 1851, sold in 1872 when a new Adema organ was inaugurated).