The ‘Husumer Orgelbuch’ of 1758 by Hans Beek

by Hans Beek | Het ORGEL | Year 98 | (2002) | Issue 1

Hans Beek The ‘Husumer Orgelbuch’ of 1758
Het ORGEL 98 (2002), nr. 1, 39-41 [summary]

The Husumer Orgelbuch [Husum Organ Book] contains little-known works of NorthGerman composers. They were written in the 18th century. The manuscript on which therecently published edition is based is found in the Royal Library at Copenhagen.

Editor Konrad Küster identified the two composers of the majority of the works:Christoph Wolfgang Druckenmüller and Marx Philipp Zeyhold.

Druckenmüller (1687-1741) was organist of the Schnitger organs at Jork and Verden.Zeyhold (1704-1760) was organist at Drochtersen. A third composer represented in the HusumerOrgelbuch is Hinrich Zinck (1677-1751). He was organist at Tönning, Itzehoe andWilster. The book also contains an otherwise unknown composition by Nicolaus Bruhns.

Küster writes that the Husumer Orgelbuch shows that the countryside around themajor North German cities had a lively organ culture, with a remarkable attention to theConcert.