The Van Hagerbeer organ in the Pieterskerk at Leiden

by Han Leentvaar | Het ORGEL | Year 96 | (2000) | Issue 1


Peter van Dijk The Van Hagerbeer organ in the Pieterskerk at Leiden
Het ORGEL 96 (2000), nr. 6, 18-26 [summary]

leiden.jpg (25076 bytes)In november 1998, therestored Van Hagerbeer organ in the Pieterskerk at Leiden was inaugurated. The oldestpipes in the organ date from about 1446. Material made by Jan van Covelens (1518), JanJacobsz van Lin (1629) and Galtus and Germer van Hagerbeer (1643) has been preserved aswell. The brothers Van Hagerbeer made a new main case, they reused the back positive casemade by Van Lin. The brothers Lohman (1847) and the organ builder Van Leeuwen (1946)changed the organ considerably. In 1975-1982, the Pieterskerk was restored. In 1986, Janvan Biezen and Hans van Nieuwkoop developed a restoration plan for the organ, based onelaborate historic investigation. After a symposium in 1988 and after Koos van de Lindewas appointed consultant as well, it was decided that the situation in 1643 should bereconstructed. Some additions by Duyschot (about 1691) and Assendelft (1744) could bepreserved. Verschueren Orgelbouw restored the organ in 1994-1998. Remarkable are themeantone temperament, the compass of the Hoofdwerk (down to FF) and the sensible windsystem. The organ sounds majestic. Each basic stop represents a fascinating world of soundon its own, too. Registrations according to 16th and 17th century principles are veryconvincing as well.