Ben Mensing: Organ builder Hendrik Haffmans
by Ben Mensing | Het ORGEL | Year 95 | (1999) | Issue 23
Ben Mensing ‘Organ builder Hendrik Haffmans’
het ORGEL 95 (1999), nr. 1, 29-31 [summary]
On 14 June 1856 an advertisement was published in theKerkelijke Courant, in which organ builder Hendrik Haffmans announced that he hadestablished the firm J.D. Nolting & Son at Doe-tinchem. It was generally assumed thatHaffmans was Nolting’s stepson. An article in the magazine Old Nijs, publishedanony-mously in 1985, showed that this was not correct: the real stepson was AndreasDietrich Holland. Haffmans joined the firm in the early 1830s. Holland, at the timedirector of the firm, accepted a project at Doetinchem in the i85os and had Haff-mansexecute it Apparently Holland was so satisfied with the results, that he let Haffmans usethe name of the firm Nolting after that time.