Recent organological papers
by Han Leentvaar | Het ORGEL | Year 94 | (1998) | Issue 2
Peter van Dijk
Recent organological papers
Het ORGEL 94 (1998), nr. 1, 27-30 [summary]
Musicology students in the Netherlands and Flanders now and then complete their studies with organological papers. Four recent examples are discussed.
Rogér van Dijk’s paper, ‘Gemæct voor die van Venloo’, is remarkable for its objective historical investigation. Van Dijk gives a good impression of organ culture in Venlo, which appears to be related to a lively local church music tradition.
Johan Zoutendijk’s paper ‘Het Van Peteghem-orgel te Bonne-Espérance’ is also based on thorough historical studies. Zoutendijk distinguishes in the work of the organ builder Van Peteghem and his teacher De Forceville influences from Habsburg builders. Zoutendijk’s paragraphs on Van Peteghem’s organ cases are objective. His opinion, however, that Flemish baroque organs are fit for a somewhat broader repertoire than is assumed nowadays, relies on more subjective arguments.
Jan Pieter Karman’s ‘Orgels en ‘orgelbeambten’ in de Hervormde Kerk te Driebergen van 1841 tot heden’ could serve as a starting point for a restoration of the Flæs organ at Driebergen. Karman gives attention to the historical development of the Driebergen organ and to the general concept and the scalings of organ builder Flæs.
Willem Jan Cevaal describes the works of the builder ‘Johannes Wilhelmus Timpe (1770 – 1837)’, who was a pupil of Freytag and Lohman and who influenced Van Oeckelen and Dik. Thorough archival studies make this paper interesting. On the other hand: Cevaal is not always precise in detail, and is a little superficial on topics concerning organ building technique.
The relatively high level of these four papers is an encouraging sign for the future of Dutch organ culture.