IAOD-congres in Gotenburg

by Han Leentvaar | Het ORGEL | Year 93 | (1997) | Issue 1

Hans Fidom

IAOD-congres in Gotenburg

Het ORGEL 93 (1997), nr. 9, 37-41 [summary]

The annual congress of the International Association for Organ Documentation was this year organised in Göteborg, Sweden. Host of the iaod was the Göteborg Organ Art Centre Goart. Lectures were among others delivered by Uwe Pape (Berlin), Joost van Gemert, Kees Nijsen en Jaap Vlugt (Utrecht, TheNetherlands) and Paul Peeters & Carl Johan Bergsten (Göteborg).

Pape’s database is vast: it contains 58 sorts of data per organ. Pape plans to add photographs, sound files etc. The Utrecht database is making the organ archives of Utrecht University and the National Monument Preservation Service accessible via Internet. The Swedish system – which is still under construction, too – is part of Goart. In order to guarantee its usability Peeters and Bergsten developed ‘predefined questions’, which the computer can easily recognise.

The presentation of Goart by Dr. Hans Davidsson was impressive: particularly the progress made in the 17th-Century North German Organ Project is promising. Davidsson pled for co-operation at European levels to serve the future of organ art. European co-operation is a goal of the iaod too, for example by planning an Internet site, on which the various database systems will be accessible.

Actual links:

Orgeldokumentation (IAOD)