In memoriam Gerrit Stulp (1935-2019)
by Jan Smelik | Photo's: Ad Fahner | Het ORGEL | Year 115 | (2019) | Issue 3Gerrit Stulp, orgel Koepelkerk Leeuwarden, 2005
On 6 April, 2019, the organist, music teacher, conductor and composer Gerrit Stulp died in Leeuwarden at the age of 83. In this article his life and work are discussed. He was nationally known primarily through his chorale settings. In 1995 Boeijenga published his Koraalboek – Voorspelen voor en harmonisaties van de psalmen {Chorale book – preludes for and harmonizations of the psalms}, which has been reprinted eleven times. Boeijenga also published Stulp’s Noordnederlands orgelboekje. 20 koraalbewerkingen van advent tot trinitatis {Northern Dutch organ book. 20 chorale settings from advent to trinity}, in 2000.