Organs in Catholic churches in Groningen and Drenthe (the northern Netherlands) around 1850 (part IV) by Victor Timmer
by Victor Timmer | Het ORGEL | Year 99 | (2003) | Issue 1Victor Timmer Organs in Catholic churches in Groningen and Drenthe (the northern Netherlands) around 1850 (part IV)
Het ORGEL 99 (2003), nr. 1, 17-25 [summary]
The Catholic Church manifested itself ever more strongly after the restoration of the episcopal hierarchy in 1853. This article gives a survey of the Catholic organs in the northern provinces of The Netherlands (Groningen and Drenthe) around 1854. Only a few of these organs have survived. Large new churches, changing liturgical demands, and a change of musical taste required different organs.
This is part 4 of the article. The organs studied in this part are the Wenthin organ in Uithuizen (H. Jacobus de Meerdere, organ built in 1816, replaced in 1908 by a Maarschalkerweerd organ; the Wenthin organ was moved to the village church at Niehove), the organ in Veendam (H. Maria Tenhemelopneming, organ built in 1814, replaced in 1930 by a new Valckx & Van Kouteren organ), the Timpe organ in Veenhuizen (H. Hieronymus Aemilianus, organ from 1836, dismantled in 1960, re-inaugurated in 1963 in the Hervormde Kerk at Halsteren) and the organ in Winschoten (St.-Vitus, old organ, on which, among others, Timpe and Lohman worked, dismantled in 1873 and replaced by an anonymous chamber organ, which was replaced in 1885 by a new Gradussen organ).