
Datum 15/04/2020
Einddatum 19/04/2020
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Wie Organ Tour Paris 2020
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Organ Tour Paris 2020

Organ Viewings, recitals, lectures, course, international encounters.

10 Organs in 5 days, u.a. Visit and concert in the Pariser Institut for blind people INJA,
were Louis Vierne and Augustin Barié lived as pupils; Barié later as Organ teacher.
Visit at Schola Cantorum, Tripp to Rouen and Organ class by Helga Schauerte
and Jean-Paul Imbert.

Paris – World Capital of organs and organ music!

Join us on our organ tour to Paris. In your 5-day stay you will be given a glimpse into the wonderful world of French organ music. Feast your eyes and ears, play on unique instruments by yourself in unique places. This year we are turning our attention tor the main subject:

Louis Vierne for his 150th birthday